Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 79 - Colusa, CA to Davis, CA

I don't have too much to say about this ride. It was honestly almost the exact same as yesterday.
Today, we hit our 4,000 mile mark, chalked by Safety Katie, Mary, and Kaley! I can barely wrap my head around how far that is. And I've biked every mile of it...
We passed dozens of sunflower fields on the ride today. The majority of the sunflowers were dead and drooping. They all looked really sad actually, as if they were hanging their heads. I tried to brighten things up a bit.
Tonight, a Bike & Build alum named Megan, who lives in Davis, threw us a kegger, free of cost to us. We all had a great time drinking and dancing and celebrating the close of our great ride across the States. 
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the happy couple: Jim and Heather. These two are inseperable. They even pass out at parties together. To be fair, we can all fall asleep pretty much anywhere at this point. I fell asleep on the concrete floor during our build in Chico. Easily.
Erin and I played a game where we took turns grabbing objects within arms reach, just to see how many weird things we could find. She found a wax glob and pretended it was a bug eye. I had said something funny to evoke such a wild response, but I can't remember what it was now...
The Catty Corner:
Erin (text to the GroupMe): "Bags at 8:30. Just kidding. No strikes."

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