Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 10 - Greenville Build Day

Today, B&BSC2SC2014 worked in Greenville with Habitat for Humanity to build an affordable home for the Gantt family.
My best friend from home, Sara, came by the build site to bring me some coffee. I was riding the struggle bus real hard when I got up this morning; I was so tired I could barely stay awake. She also lent me her shoulder for a quick cry. She's really the only friend I have that spent a substantial amount of time with Harrison. In a sense it's harder to see her but, at the same time, I am more comforted by her because I know that she experienced the loss in a big way too. (I love you Sara! Thanks for everything!)
This is the Gantt home BEFORE our build day.
And this is the Gantt home AFTER our build day. Apart from smaller odd jobs, we mostly worked on installing vinyl siding. Siding took much longer than shingling did. I often felt like I wasn't really doing anything. We had to stop and restart with each piece because the siding had to be measured and cut to size depending on where it was going. Nevertheless, we almost finished the entire house.
We ended the day with a trip to Falls Park in downtown Greenville where I was able to meet up with my family and friends. (Shout-out to Madison for winning three ribbons today in her first horse competition! I love you to the moon and back!)
The Catty Corner:
Erin: "We should play double dutch. My sister and I used to play double dutch all the time with our umbilical cords. I haven't played since I was born."

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 9 - Newberry, SC to Greenville, SC

Today's terrain was similar to the last couple rides: rolling hills. But we passed through some really great farmland right outside of Newberry. And once we got into Greenville, we were faced with a challenge that we haven't encountered yet: rain. By rain I mean a torrential downpour complete with thunder and lightning. Once again, today's ride was the longest I've ever ridden!
The first 20 miles of the ride were dominated by hilly farmland. Horses, goats, cows, roosters... You name it, we saw it! It smelled awesome! And I'm not being sarcastic... I kind of really liked it.
We considered adopting this little guy as the group pet for the summer. I'm telling you what, you run across some really cool yet really strange things on the road. 
Once again, I was able to make a detour, this time to visit my Mom at her house. If you're counting then you know that I've now been to all three of my houses. Only one more detour left! And you'll find out what it is on Sunday. So stay tuned. 
My aunt Lori drove from Greenwood to greet me at my Mom's house! (Mom and Lori, I love you both very much! Thanks for having some snacks ready for my crew.) 
I celebrated finishing the ride by standing in the downpour. I was already SOAKING wet so it didn't hurt any.
I thought about you a lot today. When I started getting close to Greenville, maybe about 15 miles out, I got really sad. I knew that I would be going to Mom's house. And I couldn't help but think that you should've been there too, waiting to cheer me on as I passed through. The truth is, though, that if you were still alive I probably wouldn't even be on this trip. Who knows, really? Either way, from that moment on I couldn't get you off my mind. I cried as I headed into town, knowing that you wouldn't be there. I miss you terribly and being home makes it all the more real. I realized though while I was riding that although I don't get to see you I will carry you wherever I go. Literally! I have you around my neck. And figuratively, too. I will carry you across the country to Santa Cruz. And I will carry you back to South Carolina when this trip is over. I will carry you for the rest of my life. I love you baby brother...

The Catty Corner:
(During the family meeting)
Me: "There's a bike shop downtown. It's called Carolina Tri...ath...a...lon? I don't know. We call it Carolina Tri."
Erin: "Triceratops!"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 8 - Columbia, SC to Newberry, SC

Last night the leaders changed the route so that the lunch stop would be at my Dad's house in Prosperity. Changing the course added about 8 miles or so to the total distance we had to ride today. We encountered a lot of hills and the temperature rose to almost 90 degrees. Translation: I sweat more today than I have thus far.
 I'm so thankful that my team, especially my leaders, have been so flexible and willing to tweak plans so that I am able to visit sites that are important to me, including my Dad's house.
Bike & Build SC2SC took over Lake Murray! Everyone keeps telling me that they had so much fun and that visiting my house/the lake has been the highlight of the trip so far. I'm really glad that my Dad and Nora were able to meet the team and show them some love by opening up their home and providing lunch for us.
Teryl, my good friend from home, came to lake day! So Erin, Erika, Teryl, and I snapped a photo before leaving my Dad's. 
The Catty Corner: At dinner tonight the topic of religion came up. It went well...
Sarah: "Who's that man on the stained glass?"
Mary: "Martin Luther."
Sarah: "Is he the same as Martin Luther King?"
Mary: "No. He led a sort of Christian reformation. Martin Luther King is named after him."
Sarah: "I don't know much about Christianity. But I'm interested to learn. How many divisions are there?"
Mary: *laughs so hard that food/drink come out of her nose* "When you say that I think of associations for professional sports teams like the NFL."
Sarah: *laughs* "Don't laugh at my ignorance."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 7 - Sumter, SC to Columbia, SC

Today marks the beginning of my three day homecoming tour! I'm so excited to have my Bike & Build world and my regular world meet. 
Today's ride was the first where we really encountered hills. I definitely used my legs more today than I have any other day. Another challenge in today's ride was a significant increase in traffic since we rode to a bigger city.  
It seemed appropriate to take a picture at Chain Gang Road while holding up gang Bike & Build gang signs. 
My first stop upon arrival to Columbia was Carolina Cafe and Catering, my place of employment prior to leaving for Bike & Build. Pictured here are Caressa, Zack, and Desiree.  
My Dad and stepmom, Nora, met up with me at the cafe for lunch and a quick photo-op at USC. 
I had to stop by the Horseshoe to show my alumni pride: USC, forever to thee! GO COCKS! 
Then I walked just a couple blocks to the State House! I've got SC pride too, y'all. 
The last stop of the day was the 2-3, the house that I just moved out of. Fortunately, the leaders are letting me stay the night here, with my roommates, in my real bed!

The Catty Corner: 
Q: Why couldn't the bicycle stand alone?
A: It was two tired.
(Shout-out to Danielle for the great joke.)

Day 6 - Sumter Build Day

Today we worked on building two houses with Sumter Habitat for Humanity. On one house we installed all of the singles and on the other we started vinyl siding. Working here was special to me because this specific site is where I put in my sweat equity hours that were required before Bike & Build. In fact, I interviewed the two homeowners and got to know them a little bit during the month prior to leaving for Charleston. Below are the transcripts of the interviews that I was required to submit to Bike & Build.

These are (part of) the two families that I met and built with/for. Pictured left is Vaneza Williams. On the right is Shikia Singleton with her oldest son Shikeem.
Singleton Family

Can you tell me your name, age, where you’re from?
I’m Shikia Singleton. I’m 28. I have 2 sons: Shikeem and Shiquest Singleton, 12 and 6 years old. We are from Sumter, SC.

What do you do?
I work for the Disability and Special Needs Board for Sumter. I have worked there for 8 years. I love my job. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

What is your current residence and home life like?
I am currently renting. I live in a trailer park in Dalzell. It’s like the country part of Sumter. It’s quiet. I stay to myself so I don’t have any problems with my neighbors or anything like that but I want to be a homeowner.

If Habitat did not exist would owning a home be a possibility for you?
I’ll say yes, in a way, if I were to lean on my own understanding. But no, too, because I just currently started going to church and they are teaching me about faith and stuff like that so I’m depending on my faith, not just my own understanding.

Did you apply to any other programs before Habitat?
No, I did apply for Habitat one time and I was turned down. I only had one child at the time. And I forgot why I was denied.

What was that like being turned down and then reapplying?
It was a faith thing. I actually went to the last meeting of Habitat in December. And they called me back in January.

What is the condition of your residence now compared to what this house is going to be like?
I know that this particular home that we are building is more safe. I can feel the wind coming in in different parts of the other house. Seeing how this is done, I feel that they should have made sure that it was done in the home that I’m in now. I feel wind coming through the door.

As a whole, how will having this house impact your life?
For one this is a blessing for me and my family. This can also build their faith to become a homeowner. They aren’t staying in my house all their lives. Just keeping faith in God, that He can make a way. Even when things may seem bad to us everything can still work out for our good. Not just for our good, but for the good. I also want to go back to school but I just have so much going on. Once this gets situated I can start back schooling because I want to have my own assisted living home. That would be cool. I’d be the boss!

What’s the first thing that you’re going to do in this new home?
Praise God. He helped me get it so that will be the very first thing that I do. It has not hit me yet that I’m going to be a homeowner. But I know that I’m blessed and I’m favored.

Williams Family

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself: your name, age, what you do, and where you’re from?
My name is Vaneza Williams. I am 42 years old and I was born and raised in Sumter, South Carolina. I’m currently employed with Sumter School Districts here in Sumter, SC. I am the assistant manager in food service tech. And I also work at Wal-Mart Supercenter as a sales representative. I have 2 children. I have a daughter and a son.

Before you applied for Habitat did you apply to any other programs, either through the government or another non-profit?
I had looked into the HUD organization at one point in time. It’s a good organization, don’t get me wrong or anything but some of the homes are built in the areas that aren’t quite safe enough for my family. And then I heard about Habitat and it’s a wonderful Christian organization. I like the area that they put us in because they want us to be safe and comfortable in our homes. Habitat is a very good program. I’m glad that I got in contact with this program.

What has your life been life previous to owning a home?
Before owning a home, I was a renter for forever. I’m so overwhelmed that now, out of 5 kids I’m the first one to become a homeowner. Now I can see where my money goes. I work hard and I want to have something. Obviously this is my foundation. This is where I want my family and I live happily and comfortably. It’s a dream of mine that has finally come true.

Was it hard finding a place to rent that was affordable but also safe and in a safe area?
The area that I currently live in is a rental complex. It was nice when we first moved out there but now a lot of the riffraff has come in so that’s why I said it’s time for me to do something different. It’s time for me to make a change because if I were to continue staying there I would never see where my hard work is going. I’m taking a giant step. Now I’m comfortable and I’m happy. I can have a front yard and a back yard now other than just 16 stairs to go up and 16 stairs to come back down. Now I can sit on my porch and feel safe and enjoy the air.

If Habitat did not exist, would owning a home be a possibility for you?
If Habitat wasn’t around I think at some point it could have been. But it just would have been harder for me.

What is the condition of the apartment that you are living in now?
The apartment is okay by itself. But the residents and the place as a whole is gradually going down. When I first moved out there they had water sprinklers and they had more security. Now it is just going down.

How will owning a home impact your life?
All around owning a home will affect my job, my safety and my finances. What I like about Habitat is they build brand new homes and they’re affordable. It doesn’t put a strain or a stress on you so that’s why this program is great. I feel like I made the right decision.

In what ways will owning a home help you emotionally and spiritually?
There are plenty of days I just cried and thanked God. I got on my knees and thanked him every day because without Him I could not have done it. Like they say, “All things come to those who wait”. I feel a sense of pressure has been relieved. Now that I work 2 jobs I can come home and just rest. I’m able to breathe again.

Will you still be working 2 jobs when you live here?
Yes. For now as long as I have my health and strength, yes.

What’s the first thing that you’re going to do in your new home when you move in?
First thing I’m going to do is get my house blessed. I’m going to have my pastor come over and bless my house. I’m going to have a house warming party and show everybody my hard work. I’m going to show them that anybody can do it. It’s a blessing. Ask and you shall receive, you know?

I decided I needed to take a "Charlie's Angel" type picture with Erin on the site. I think the heat exhaustion is to blame. At least that's the story I'm sticking to. 
A few of us did some exploring after dinner tonight. Originally we were try to go to Swan Lake which is apparently the only public lake in the country where you can see all 8 species of swan. Unfortunately the park was closed. Fortunately I had seen a sign for Bingo on the way to the park. I convinced my group to check it out with me and it appeared to be a popular event for the locals. We went back to the host church, got some bike lights and some more people and went to have some good ole backcountry fun. On the first round, Erin won $499! It was thrilling...and unbelievable. I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were super obnoxious, but it was totally worth it. I have a feeling that spontaneous things like showing up at local Bingo night in a random town are what's going to make this trip over the top.

Marine, Abbie, Erin, Katie, Molly and I gearing up for Bingo night!
The Catty Corner: Erin and I took a trip to CVS and because of genius advertising I decided I needed to buy the new "birthday cake" M&M's. We started eating them on the walk back. I ended up ranting because these M&M's didn't taste like birthday cake at all! They tasted like regular M&M's. It's not fair that they can trick me into buying their candy like that, right? Well, then Erin asks me if I've come up with a Catty Corner for the day and out of frustration I throw my hands up (literally) because I can't think of one. The M&M's spilled everywhere and so I started to pick them up. Somehow, though, Erin and I ended up sitting on the sidewalk, picking up and eating fake flavored M&M's.