Monday, May 19, 2014

The Faith Home - Noah's Ark Dormitory

If you've read my blog at all then you know that my brother is my biggest inspiration in taking on a cross-country cycling trip, specifically to benefit those in need of affordable housing. Before I leave for my trip, though, I want to take the time to commend my Dad for the amazing work that he has done in my brother's honor since his death some 15 month ago. 

But first, some background information:

When my brother was alive he went to a drug and alcohol rehab in Greenwood, South Carolina called the Faith Home. The Faith Home is a Christian rehabilitation center that offers an 8-week program based on the 12 steps of AA, NA, and Al-Anon. The Faith Home relies solely on outside contributions and donations, which is significant because it means that the services provided are completely free of charge for the residents. Unfortunately, this also means that finances are a very real hinderance, limiting the amount of work the Faith Home is able to do. For instance, the Faith Home has a reasonably large waiting list because there are more people in need of services than there are rooms to house them.

When my brother died, my Dad almost immediately decided that he wanted to do something good in his honor. He called Mama Barnes, one of the cofounders and the current executive director of the Faith Home, and asked if she would be interested in the construction of a new dorm. My Dad then reached out to all of his clients and friends requesting materials, labor, financial pledges, etc. (FYI: My Dad is a CPA who specializes in consulting for construction contracting firms, so he has lots of contacts in the biz.) He received great support and with some serious hard work the floor plans for the dormitory were completed just in time for our first Christmas without Harrison.

Harrison's stocking on Christmas Day 2013
Noah's Ark Dormitory will be able to house 28 residents and 4 staff members. There are 14 resident rooms that will house 2 residents each, 4 staff rooms with private bathrooms, 2 shower rooms with 4 showers each, and 2 restrooms with 3 toilets each. In the middle is an atrium for common use. All of this, in the shape of a cross.

Noah's Ark Dormitory floor plans
Now that we're up to speed:

This past Saturday, I went to the Faith Home with my family for the annual BBQ fundraiser. I saw (for the second time only) the construction that is in progress. And I was blown away! I'll let the photographs speak for themselves.

Left to right: Aunt Lori, Teresa, me, Mom (all but one of my "moms", Nora)
Noah's Ark Dormitory: under construction!
Resident room
Faith Home men playing volleyball

Dad, I want you (and the rest of the world) to know how very proud I am of you. I imagine that it must be so very difficult for you to stomach all of the losses that you have experienced: your brother, your father, and now your son. I hate that for you, I truly do. But I see that you are using the negative events that have happened in your life for the good of countless others. And I don't take that lightly. I am truly inspired by you and look at you as a example of how to respond to trials and tribulations. I won't forget that through all of this, you always wake up singing about sunshine and happiness. I'm so glad that your dream is becoming a reality. I love you! Thank you for always loving and supporting me.

If you would like more information about the Faith Home or would like to donate to the Faith Home please visit:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt posts. You say your dad is an inspiration to you, but I can't help but think you are an inspiration to him as well. We will be praying for you while on your journey! Stay safe and have fun! :-)
