I wasted close to 30 minutes playing around on Google Maps, mapping out the rest of our route. Only 11 rides left! |
Dug from "Up": "I was hiding under your porch because I love you."
In May of 2014 I will begin a cross-country cycling tour with an organization that aims to raise funds and awareness to benefit affordable housing groups. Here I will chronicle my journey. This blog is dedicated to my brother, Harrison Greenway (4/22/1992 - 2/24/2013), and is as much a story of grief as it is of adventure and service. Check out my first post: For you, baby brother...
I wasted close to 30 minutes playing around on Google Maps, mapping out the rest of our route. Only 11 rides left! |
The first of 2 mountain passes that we biked today was Drinkwater Pass at 4,212 feet. |
I have no idea what the name of the second pass was but it was at 4,848 feet. See how lazy I was, taking pictures from my bike instead of getting off to pose. |
This is seriously my favorite sign ever. When I see this sign, my whole world lights up. Downhills are glorious. |
Burns is so cute! Almost every 500 feet are spray painted bicycles decorating the trees and street lights. |
I played the video lottery for the first time in my life. I literally had no idea what I was doing... I only did it for the experience and I ended up just pressing buttons and walking away $1 poorer. |
There are 2 white cats that live in the local bookstore! Can I always live in a city that has bookstore cats, please? Or a cat cafe. Or something cats?! |
Before the route meeting this morning everyone put on self-adhesive mustaches for a Mustache Bash. I'm not sure why... It's not even Monday... |
Before leaving Boise, I broke into the stadium because I just had to have a picture on the infamous blue turf. |
I've come all this way and until today haven't taken a single picture in a corn field. I'm glad I waited because this was the tallest corn we've seen. It was at least 8 feet tall! |
Seriously, this field... It's amazing. And purple, which is my signature color. So naturally I fell in love with it. |
Canyons are to mountains as troughs are to crests. Hence, I took a reverse summit picture at the bottom of the canyon. |
For lunch I ate from the Taco Man taco truck which happened to be in the middle of nowhere and featured Idaho potato tacos. What a brilliant idea! |
When I said that the headwinds were bad I meant that we actually rode through a wind farm for 15 miles. Really?! Why? Just why. |
Joel and I worked as a team, busting through rock, making sure the holes were 2 feet deep. Note: my leg is in the hole. |
Joel and I's teamwork today was magical; so much so that we acquired shovel riding skills. Look out, Harry Potter. There are new seekers in town. |
At one point we hit a standstill because of a huge rock that was in the way. Fortunately, Reuben is a beast and after a long bout he ended up taking the rock out. |
Joel felt left out so I took a picture of him with the rock that he dug out of the hole. |
FINALLY! I've been waiting for some Idaho potatoes! These were loaded with bacon and jalapenos and they were delicious! |
Before turning in, we watched the sun set in the canyon. The end. |
Hooray for the shortest ride of the trip! I felt like I was back home doing a training ride, before 80 and 90 miles became normal. |
Ashley E. and I were the "Idaho Sweep Potatoes" today. Don't get in our way! We don't play games. |
Come on, Idaho... You can do better than that. All you did was change the font of "Idaho"... Nevertheless, I'm ecstatic to see you! |
Tattoo Tuesday was extra special since we had sparkly Ed Hardy tattoos. |
Haha... We just cruised right by a truck that was painting lines on the highway. |
The Sheriff's Posse was practicing their drills at the track on the fairgrounds where we were camping tonight. So for entertainment we posted up with a couple cold ones and watched the routine. |
And they even let us interrupt practice to have a go at riding horses!!!!! This was my first time and I was seriously so excited! I was cheesin' hard for at least an hour about getting to ride Lady. |