Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 58 - Provo Build Day

Today we worked on a house that Provo Habitat is renovating for the Blair family. The George Taylor, Jr. Home is a historic site in Utah. George Taylor, Sr. was Provo's pioneer furniture merchant. His son, George, Jr. followed the same business and was a principal in the original Taylor Brothers Department Store. George, Jr. built this brick, Victorian style home in 1885. Alex and MaryKae Blair were married on November 5, 2005 and have 5 children.  
For the build we split up into two groups: a morning shift and an afternoon shift.  Both shifts worked on a variety of projects from making custom window frames to replacing crumbling brick to pouring cement to landscaping. One of the biggest, most fun, and hardest projects was demolishing the asphalt driveway. 
I went at the asphalt with a pickaxe (and felt like one of the seven dwarfs)...
...and with a jack hammer. (Although this was almost exclusively for the photo op.) I like to think that I won the bout, but the majority of the asphalt is still there.
The Catty Corner:
Q: What's the difference between a good Mormon and a bad Mormon?
A: The temperature of the caffeine they drink.

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