Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 36 - Dalhart, TX to Clayton, NM

I was SO thankful for a short day. It's weird though because while I was riding it didn't seem any shorter at all. The winds were ferocious and my pace was slow because of it. And I was still counting down the miles until the ride was finished. I only realized how short the day was when I was able to lounge in my sleeping bag at the host for about 4 hours before dinner.
HAY y'all! Each bale costs about $300. There are 78 bales. We were playing on $23,400 worth of hay. WHAT?! I know this because the owner of the farm drove up while we were trespassing. Fortunately he was extremely friendly and just told us we'd better not light a match or it would burn up in minutes.
We are the Lords of Haytown. 
I made it to the 8th out of 13 states! FIESTA TIME!
The Herzstein Memorial Museum provided dinner for us and afterwards we were able to explore the exhibits. I felt like I was in the Wild West. Clayton is famous for hanging and accidentally beheading Thomas "Black Jack" Ketchum, a notorious outlaw and train robber.
I was actually really creeped out while exploring the museum until I found this beautiful set of cosmetic tools. Each and every piece had the same finish, as well as the initials "LMI".
Tonight we are staying at the National Guard Armory in Clayton.
The Catty Corner:
Q: What did the bicycle call his Dad?
A: Popcycle

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